
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

16 Feb 2018

The tribute

The conference I attended recently was advertised to be in Tel Aviv - Yafo. When I got off the bus, I was a bit apprehensive because the sign above me read Givatayim. I thought perhaps I had the wrong instructions. However, I ended up at the venue within minutes.
Afterwards, I set out to retrace my steps back to the bus stop and was amazed to see a chasid bringing items back and forth to a lit area. Curious, I looked to see where he was going and realized it was a cemetery. I asked him if there was someone's kever in the cemetery where people daven. Immediately he told me that people go to the Stefenezh Rebbe. "People who daven there, their prayers are answered."
I made my way to the kever and read some pirkei Tehillim and prayed. On my way out, I, once again, encountered the chasid who was busy preparing tables laden with food. He told me that people from all over and from all sectors of society congregate at the cemetery at 9 o'clock on Thursday evening for communal prayer. Additionally, they can partake of the food which is spread out on two tables.
Only in Israel does one set out for a conference and ends up praying at a Rav's kever. May all our prayers be answered for the good.

Parshas Terumah - The Message Of The Keruvim

Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky on Megillat Esther- Purim

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הסגולה היומית: איך נבטל מעצמנו את היצר הרע? • צפו

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