
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

23 Aug 2016

The mezuzah post

This morning I saw an ad about a new book titled To Be a Mentch by Yitzchak Shkop. Click here and scroll down to view sample pages. - Excellent food for thought.

To the reader of yesterday's post who left a comment "You have to have a mezuzah in your car?" I would direct you to a post titled A Car Mezuzah and Good Luck. There's a joke at the end of the post regarding different denominational congregational leaders and their approaches to a mezuzah in a car.

The journalists at yesterday's State department briefing questioned spokeperson Marc Toner about Huma Abedin, the payment to Iran at the time when when American hostages were released, as well as the edting of a State department video. At one point the following exchange ensued.
MR TONER: Not necessarily. I mean, we put – well, don’t look aghast. No, there are different --

QUESTION: I was looking askance, not aghast. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2016/08/261198.htm

How many of you needed to google the two "A" words to understand the difference between them?

Hillary’s Excuse For Huma Abedin’s Involvement With Radical Islam Is BEYOND Pathetic

Where is Huma Abedin’s Security Clearance Form?

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